Do Your Skates Need A Little Extra Care?
At the Ice Barn we offer two different styles of skate sharpening, thanks to our Blackstone Machine. The traditional Radius of Hollow (ROH) and the newer Flat Bottom V (FBV).
Radius of Hollow Sharpenings (ROH)
Flat Bottom Sharpenings (FBV)
We offer all ROH Hollows from 1&1/2 to 5/16. We offer FBV Hollows 95/50, 90/1, 100/50, and 100/75
We Also Offer The Following Services?
We also perform skate repairs and other services here is a list and pictures of what we offer to help you get the most life out of your equipment.
Holder Conversion
Copper and Rivet Replacement
Chassis Conversion
Ultrastop Shot Blocker Installation- from Custom Skateworks
Some Stitching
*All service prices vary on equipment used, time, and service required*
Skate Sharpening and Repair Services?
Skate Sharpening
Skate Sharpening Cards
We are excited to announce our skate sharpening card program. You will be able to purchase ten skate sharpenings for $100 and receive the eleventh sharpening for free. We will keep track of all of the cards and sharpenings so you do not have to. We will also have your skate, desired hollow, and contact information on the card. If there are any urgent repairs that need to be done to the skate(s) we will do so and you can settle any repair costs before you purchase your next sharpening card. There will be a nine-month expiration on all cards. We recommend that you get your skates sharpened every eight to twelve hours on the ice. The skate sharpening card can only be used for one pair of skates. You cannot have a “family” skate sharpening card.
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